This project is about teaching you how to develop apps in MIT App Inventor 2 that can interact with your Particle-based project. Furthermore, there are Android emulators available that will run apps created with MIT App Inventor 2 on Windows and Mac/OSX platforms. It is currently limited to developing Android apps, but the MIT team has promised iOS support in 2018. MIT App Inventor 2 is a very easy-to-use programming system for developing real apps. This is frequently undesirable specifically when we wish to develop hardware and firmware that can be used for more than one purpose. This has required us put all of the logic and computation required of the project into the Particle device firmware. However, they are necessarily limited specifically, in respect to the very limited logic that you can place in the app. These services work fine and do not require any programming.

We have used a number of services to communicate with our Particle devices, such as IFTTT and Blynk. We (Team Practical Projects) have been developing Internet-connected projects using Particle Photon and Electron IoT devices for some years now, see: